A billiard ball dropped from the top of the Trade Centers would have taken just under 10 seconds to hit the ground. The towers fell in under 10 seconds, basically free-fall speed. Even if the buildings pancaked, physics would dictate resistance from lower floors significantly slowing the rate of collapse.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
9-11 & the Laws of Physics
I recently watched a web documentary focused on the collapse of the twin towers. It questioned the near free-fall collapse of the buildings, specifically, how it could be explained applying the laws of physics.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bill Moyer on how Media sold Bush's War in Iraq
A recent Bill Moyers piece focused on how the media was used by the Bush administration to help sell their case for war with Iraq. While most news outlets were hesitant to challenge the administration's claims, others willingly served as a conduit for propaganda and misinformation.
The Bush administration exploited the tragedy of 9/11 to carry out their Neocon agenda for the Middle East. Failing to act upon intelligence reports, they basically allowed 9/11 to happen. Using 9/11 as a catalyst, they frightened Americans into supporting the war, repeatedly claiming a connection between Saddam and those responsible for the attacks of 9/11. Terror Alerts were increased without basis, at strategic times, to bolster support. The Patriotism Police patrolled for any and all dissenters.
Through this whole Bush-Cheney fiasco, I've learned a lot about this great country of ours. Foremost, I've learned there are a lot more stupid people than I'd previously thought. I once thought perhaps 25% of Americans are seriously stupid. My estimate was way low...
The Bush administration exploited the tragedy of 9/11 to carry out their Neocon agenda for the Middle East. Failing to act upon intelligence reports, they basically allowed 9/11 to happen. Using 9/11 as a catalyst, they frightened Americans into supporting the war, repeatedly claiming a connection between Saddam and those responsible for the attacks of 9/11. Terror Alerts were increased without basis, at strategic times, to bolster support. The Patriotism Police patrolled for any and all dissenters.
Through this whole Bush-Cheney fiasco, I've learned a lot about this great country of ours. Foremost, I've learned there are a lot more stupid people than I'd previously thought. I once thought perhaps 25% of Americans are seriously stupid. My estimate was way low...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tucker Carlson World's Biggest Loser?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I'm back, something's have changed, some haven't
I took a break following the mid-term elections. Americans had sent a statement to the administration; the days of corruption free of oversight were over. So I thought. Didn't envision the administration simply ignoring the results. Apparently it's going to take more than a loss of both the House and Senate to stop the Neocons.
James Baker's Iraq Study Group Report was provided to the administration. Like other information counter to the administration viewpoint, it was ignored.
Scooter Libby was found guilty of perjury in the Valerie Plame affair, involving the intentional outing of a covert CIA agent. Bush will likely provide a pardon before Libby spends a day in jail.
James Baker's Iraq Study Group Report was provided to the administration. Like other information counter to the administration viewpoint, it was ignored.
Scooter Libby was found guilty of perjury in the Valerie Plame affair, involving the intentional outing of a covert CIA agent. Bush will likely provide a pardon before Libby spends a day in jail.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sadaam sentenced by a jury of his political adversaries
Regarding the trial of Sadaam Hussein, is it fair for the leader of a sovereign nation to be tried by his political adversaries? Sadaam was found guilty of ordering the killing of 160 Shiites in 1982, in retaliation for an attempt on his life. That's 25 years ago, and remember, Iraq was a dictatorship. Is there a law against a dictator taking action following a assasination attempt?
What did Sadaam do, since Desert Storm, to bring this upon himself, and the other 50 top Iraqi official targeted by the Neocons?
Bush and Cheney will eventually be held accountable for their actions. I suggest they be tried by a jury of Iraqi citizens, preferably those having lost loved ones as civilian casualties.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
End of a Era...
My faith in the system has been at least temporarily restored. Despite Republican tactics, it appears we can still hold an election where the will of the voters is applied.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had a long run of lying to the American people, ignoring established law, working to destroy the principals this great nation was founded upon.
I suspect there'll be congressional investigations into various aspects of the Bush administration, with a focus on pre-war intelligence, no-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton, illegal wiretaps, and other violations of established law. Should be interesting.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had a long run of lying to the American people, ignoring established law, working to destroy the principals this great nation was founded upon.
I suspect there'll be congressional investigations into various aspects of the Bush administration, with a focus on pre-war intelligence, no-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton, illegal wiretaps, and other violations of established law. Should be interesting.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Mark Foley Scandal - Did Republican Leadership know?
Republican congressman Mark Foley resigned after it was disclosed he'd sent inappropriate email and instant messages to congressional pages. Apparently members of Republican leadership were aware of the situation but chose to take no action, concerned more with protecting Foley's House seat than protecting congressional pages from a pedophile.
Whereas politicians on both sides called for speaker Denis Hastert's resignation, George W. Bush instead pledged his support for the House Speaker.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tucker Carlson and Willie Geist - Secret Lovers
Monday, October 02, 2006
Mohammed Atta video emerges with no sound?
Osama Bin Laden can't find a camcorder. These guys have a broken camcorder. Too bad they can't pool their collective technology.
With no audio, how do we know it's a martyrdom video? Looks like two guys sitting around having a good time.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Clinton puts Fox's Chris Wallace in his place
Right-wing hypocrites, tasting their own medicine, cried foul, expressing shock at Clinton's "losing it".
A statement from the Big Dog: with Bush and Cheney's credibility in ruins, the floodgates are open to take on the politics of dishonesty, corruption and cronyism.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Gas Prices mysteriously nose dive in preparation for Mid-Term Elections
Earlier today I heard Tucker Carlson blasting a pundit for implying the Bush administration could influence the price of oil.
Perhaps it's truly just a case of supply and demand. Perhaps gas prices would've dropped 80 cents in a single month, even had there been no upcoming congressional election. Whereas oil prices have consistently gone in one direction, up, since Bush first took power, maybe it's just a remarkable coincidence. Perhaps the "emerging Chinese market" was overestimated. Perhaps damage to the Alaskan pipeline was not as bad as originally thought. Perhaps analysts now see less chance for conflict in Iran (especially now that it appears the Democrats will take control of the House).
Is it really a stretch to think the Bush administration can influence the price of oil? These guys all come from Big Oil. Their actions and policies have led to record profits for oil companies and oil barons in Saudi Arabia. All involved understand what republicans losing control of the House would mean. The end to an era. It would have been a shock has they not taken this action.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Letter to Joe Scarborough re: calling Jimmy Carter a bumbling fool
"Why are my heroes supporting that bumbling fool?”
This is a comment from Scarborough's blog, regarding support for then candidate Jimmy Carter. Joe's an avid supporter of the Bush administration, portrays George W. Bush as a strong leader, and actively discredits those who've questioned his actions and policies.
Jimmy Carter could spot Bush 40-50 IQ points. Everything George W. Bush has touched has turned to $hit. In corporate America, Bush would struggle to hold down a job as a mailroom employee.
There's only one story worth reporting. Did the Bush administration plan to invade Iraq prior to 9/11? If the Downing Street memo is real George W. Bush is guilty of treason.
This is a comment from Scarborough's blog, regarding support for then candidate Jimmy Carter. Joe's an avid supporter of the Bush administration, portrays George W. Bush as a strong leader, and actively discredits those who've questioned his actions and policies.
Jimmy Carter could spot Bush 40-50 IQ points. Everything George W. Bush has touched has turned to $hit. In corporate America, Bush would struggle to hold down a job as a mailroom employee.
There's only one story worth reporting. Did the Bush administration plan to invade Iraq prior to 9/11? If the Downing Street memo is real George W. Bush is guilty of treason.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Tucker Carlson - Tiny Dancer
Bowtie Boy today defended Republican Senator George Allen, saying it's wrong to vote against Allen for his "Macaca" racial slur. He went on to say the target of Allen's comments was a whiner. Clearly Carlson is either a racist or an idiot (few would argue the later point).
Why does MSNBC associate itself with a narrow-minded idiot like Tucker Carlson? Joe Scarborough is bad enough.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Remember 9/11
Although numbers have dropped, most Americans believe Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Most U.S. soldiers believe the same. Intelligence sources now confirm Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Over 50,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. For what? Retaliation for 9/11?
If we really want to honor those lost in 9/11, we should take a different approach in Iraq (to start with, let's stop killing Iraqi women and children) and refocus efforts on the hunt for those reponsible for 9/11. Problem is, the neocons are as interested in tracking down those responsible for 9/11 as OJ Simpson is in finding Nicole's killer.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Neocons forge on...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans blocked Democratic attempts to rein in President Bush's domestic wiretapping program Wednesday, endorsing a White House-supported bill that would give the controversial surveillance legal status.
Arlen Specter, R-Pa., has acknowledged that GOP lawmakers fighting for re-election may not embrace a measure bearing Bush's stamp of approval.
While refusing to give the president a blank check to prosecute the war on terrorism, Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee kept to the White House's condition that a bill giving legal status to the surveillance program pass unamended. That's not a sure thing on the Senate floor, where several amendments await the measure.
The President once said, "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists". History will regard the neocons on par with the terrorists, responsible for the death of over 100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens.
Arlen Specter, R-Pa., has acknowledged that GOP lawmakers fighting for re-election may not embrace a measure bearing Bush's stamp of approval.
While refusing to give the president a blank check to prosecute the war on terrorism, Republicans in the Senate Judiciary Committee kept to the White House's condition that a bill giving legal status to the surveillance program pass unamended. That's not a sure thing on the Senate floor, where several amendments await the measure.
The President once said, "You're either with us, or you're with the terrorists". History will regard the neocons on par with the terrorists, responsible for the death of over 100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens.
Has President Bush gone over the edge?
Source: Capitol Hill Blue
This implies there was a time when Bush was more stable and less incoherent? Seems like the same idiot we've seen from day one...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Letter to Joe Scarborough re: Jon Stewart criticism
Scarbough County, 9-12-06: Joe Scarborough questioned whether Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show", was bad for America given his criticism of the Bush administration and Republican politicians. Joe discredited Stewart, labeling him a comedian catering to viewers aged 16-24, whom he noted rarely vote, thus attempting to marginalize Stewart's impact on American political culture.
With all that’s going on, you spend half a show asking whether Jon Stewart is bad for America?
Regardless of whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent there’s only one story worthy of focus. The President of the United States used 9/11 as a catalyst to justify a pre-established Neocon agenda, launching a preemptive war on false pretenses. Thousands of American soldiers have died, countless others seriously injured, along with 100,000+ Iraqi civilian casualties.
Given Republican control of the House, Senate and Supreme Court, we’ve yet to see an unobstructed, independent investigation into the Bush years (what was known prior to 9/11, the lead-up to the war in Iraq, no-bid contracts to Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush administration, warrantless wiretaps, bogus news releases and terror level increases). When Republicans lose control of the House, things will quickly change. True investigations will take place; Bush, Cheney and members of the Iraqi group will be held to task. Folks like yourself will be remembered for your staunch support of the Bush neocon movement, discrediting Americans having the courage to raise legitimate concerns about the administration’s criminal activities.
With all that’s going on, you spend half a show asking whether Jon Stewart is bad for America?
Regardless of whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent there’s only one story worthy of focus. The President of the United States used 9/11 as a catalyst to justify a pre-established Neocon agenda, launching a preemptive war on false pretenses. Thousands of American soldiers have died, countless others seriously injured, along with 100,000+ Iraqi civilian casualties.
Given Republican control of the House, Senate and Supreme Court, we’ve yet to see an unobstructed, independent investigation into the Bush years (what was known prior to 9/11, the lead-up to the war in Iraq, no-bid contracts to Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush administration, warrantless wiretaps, bogus news releases and terror level increases). When Republicans lose control of the House, things will quickly change. True investigations will take place; Bush, Cheney and members of the Iraqi group will be held to task. Folks like yourself will be remembered for your staunch support of the Bush neocon movement, discrediting Americans having the courage to raise legitimate concerns about the administration’s criminal activities.
Monday, September 11, 2006
British Terror Plot another Bush scam...
"U.S., U.K. at odds over timing of arrests: British wanted to continue surveillance on terror suspects", official says
10:43 a.m. ET Aug 14, 2006
LONDON - NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.
British officials knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.
In contrast to previous reports, one senior British official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports."
New rules were implemented to no longer allow toothpaste, hair gel or bottled water on airplanes; rules which should stay in effect at least until the midterm elections.
10:43 a.m. ET Aug 14, 2006
LONDON - NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States.
British officials knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case.
In contrast to previous reports, one senior British official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports."
New rules were implemented to no longer allow toothpaste, hair gel or bottled water on airplanes; rules which should stay in effect at least until the midterm elections.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Deja vu, new Al Qaeda tape just in time for mid-term elections!
Deja Vu! Al Jazeera releases video supposedly showing Osama Bin Laden interacting with 9/11 terrorists. Similar tapes appeared leading up to the 2004 presidential election. Seems Al Qaeda will do whatever it takes to keep George W. Bush in power.
George W. Bush once said: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice .... (duh) .... you can't get fooled again!".
Broder says Rove deserves apology
In the Washington Post, August 7, 2006, David S. Broder wrote:
For much of the past five years, dark suspicions have been voiced about the Bush White House undermining its critics, and Karl Rove has been fingered as the chief culprit in this supposed lot to suppress the opposition. Now at least one count in that indictment has been substantially weakened -- the charge that Rove masterminded a conspiracy to discredit Iraq intelligence critic Joseph Wilson by "outing" his CIA-operative wife, Valerie Plame. In fact, the prosecutor concluded that there was no crime; hence, no indictment. And we now know that the original "leak," in casual conversations with reporters Novak and Bob Woodward, came not from the conspiracy theorists' target in the White House but from the deputy secretary of state at the time, Richard Armitage, an esteemed member of the Washington establishment and no pal of Rove or President Bush.
My response to Broder:
OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder. Applying your reasoning, maybe we should have apologized, and compensated him for lost income potential during his detainment.
For much of the past five years, dark suspicions have been voiced about the Bush White House undermining its critics, and Karl Rove has been fingered as the chief culprit in this supposed lot to suppress the opposition. Now at least one count in that indictment has been substantially weakened -- the charge that Rove masterminded a conspiracy to discredit Iraq intelligence critic Joseph Wilson by "outing" his CIA-operative wife, Valerie Plame. In fact, the prosecutor concluded that there was no crime; hence, no indictment. And we now know that the original "leak," in casual conversations with reporters Novak and Bob Woodward, came not from the conspiracy theorists' target in the White House but from the deputy secretary of state at the time, Richard Armitage, an esteemed member of the Washington establishment and no pal of Rove or President Bush.
My response to Broder:
OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder. Applying your reasoning, maybe we should have apologized, and compensated him for lost income potential during his detainment.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Bush says don't underestimate evil men...
President Bush warned that "underestimating the words of evil and ambitious men is a terrible mistake," and vowed to continue his doctrine of pre-emption to secure the nation from the threat of tyrants and terrorists.
I've said the same thing for the past five years. Of course, I was referring to he and Dick Cheney.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
51 million moron supporters
Friday, September 01, 2006
Carlson calls criticism of Rumsfeld disingenuous
Nutwing Tucker Carlson (Bowtie-Boy) today called criticism of Donald Rumsfeld's comments comparing war critics to Nazi appeasement disingenuous, citing many critics voted for the war originally.
Had the administration's pre-war claims been true, perhaps this reasoning could be justified. Critics, supporters and informed Americans now realize pre-war information was purposely presented in a false and/or misleading manner. Aside from believing the administration, why did politicians on both sides of the aisle vote for the war? They likely saw what happened to the Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, Linda Ronstadt and others who dared stand up and voice their opinions. From day one, the administration's been geared to discredit and question the patriotism of any persons questioning their information, actions or motives (see Joe Wilson, Richard Clark or Jack Murtha). Was there a lack of courage on the part of politicians? No doubt. While no excuse, in reality, given the mood of the times and the administration's policy of fear-mongering, failure to support the war effort was career suicide. Tucker's using this to discredit all criticism of the war demonstrates the integrity missing from intelligent discussion of the matter.
I'm not a democrat or a liberal. I'm an American citizen concerned with the state of our country and our world. There exists a lack of honor and decency in politics and political news reporting (Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are exceptions). Jon Stewart had it right. Pundits like Tucker Carlson hurt America, serving as tools for the politicians, helping them implement the policies of misinformation and manipulation.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Prediction or wishful thinking?
Bush now says we didn't start the war...
George Bush now claims "we didn't start the war", rather, it was started on 9/11 by Islamic fascists. What happened to Weapons of Mass Destruction (justification #1), overthrowing a ruthless dictator who killed tens of thousands of his own people (2), and liberating the Iraqis(3)?
A kid does something bad and his parents find out. He makes an excuse, and his parents shoot it down. He throws out another, gets the same result, and then repeats the process 3 or 4 more times. At what point do the parents grab the kid by the ear and march him to his room?
As voters, it's time for us to start acting like responsible parents. Initiate a thorough investigation on 9/11, the lead-up to the war in Iraq, no-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush-Cheney administration, baseless increases to terror alert levels, bogus news releases, and a variety of illegal activities such as unapproved wiretaps. If crimes were committed, those responsible must be prosecuted to the extent of the law.
If the Downing Street Memo exists, outlining plans to invade Iraq prior to 9/11, it would confirm Bush used 9/11 as a catalyst for a pre-established neocon agenda, capitalizing on American's fears following 9/11 to initiate a war on false pretenses. If so, all involved in the "Iraq Group" should be prosecuted for treason.
Republican Politicians - stupid, evil or both?
Will be interesting to see what happens with the midterm elections. After the 2004 Presidential election, I'm making no predictions. The Bushies are out in force working the standard pre-election terrorism scare tactics. Will the people fall for it once again? We'll see.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Rumsfeld simply insane...
Rumsfeld wove an elaborate picture of an enemy made up of terrorists, morally misguided Westerners, disagreeable military strategists, and a cynical news media.
Rumsfeld stated there could be no appeasing the enemy and any "any moral or intellectual confusion about who and what is right or wrong can weaken the ability of free societies to persevere."
Either Rumsfeld has delivered one of the most important speeches of the modern era, or he's gone crazy.
William Arkin, The Washington Post
Secretary Rumsfeld's speech to a veterans group drew parallels between the current conflict with terrorists and the period between World Wars I and II.
"It was a time when a certain amount of cynicism and moral confusion set in among western democracies, when those who warned about a coming crisis, the rise of fascism and Nazism, they were ridiculed or ignored," said Donald Rumsfeld.
Al Pessin, VAO News
It just keeps getting better and better...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
2006 A$$hole awards
1. Dick Cheney (asshole of the century)
2. Condelezza Rice (Phd. in dishonesty)
3. Bill O'Reilly (pervert and blowhard)
4. Rush Limbaugh (drug addict and hypocrite)
5. Don Rumsfeld (missing a few marbles)
6. Anyone on Fox News (evil and/or warped)
6. Ann Coulter (crazy bitch with self-esteem issues)
8. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (most dishonorable)
9. Carl Rove (evil personified)
10. Tucker Carlson (punk, pseudo intellectual)
11. Clarence Thomas (pervert, Uncle Tom, poster boy for affirmative action under qualification)
You'll note the omission of George W. Bush. I don't consider him necessarily a bad person, just a dim-wit.
2. Condelezza Rice (Phd. in dishonesty)
3. Bill O'Reilly (pervert and blowhard)
4. Rush Limbaugh (drug addict and hypocrite)
5. Don Rumsfeld (missing a few marbles)
6. Anyone on Fox News (evil and/or warped)
6. Ann Coulter (crazy bitch with self-esteem issues)
8. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (most dishonorable)
9. Carl Rove (evil personified)
10. Tucker Carlson (punk, pseudo intellectual)
11. Clarence Thomas (pervert, Uncle Tom, poster boy for affirmative action under qualification)
You'll note the omission of George W. Bush. I don't consider him necessarily a bad person, just a dim-wit.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
MSNBC targets Fox viewers
What is Dan Abrams thinking? Tucker Carlson is a world class a$$hole.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
They hate our Freedom...
Friday, August 18, 2006
IQ Testing for Presidential Candidates
Thursday, August 10, 2006
British foil major terrorist plot...
Excitement today as the foiling of a plot on the scale of 9/11 is announced. News reports said terrorists planned to bring down 10 airplanes in flight between England and the United States using bombs. British officials gave few specifics, but reported the terrorists were days away from a "test run", to be followed days later with the actual attacks. The announcement came two days after the first major vote leading up to the mid-term elections, where voters unseated Democrat Joe Lieberman, a supporter of the Bush war effort in Iraq.
No mention whether the group had obtained materials required to make the bombs, or had made reservations for the supposed flights.
Time Magazine reported initial claims of a pending attack within days was inaccurate. No airline tickets had been purchased. Several of those arrested didn't even have passports. Sources said the Bush Administration pressured the British to make the arrests when they did, following the Lieberman primary loss, strictly for political purposes.
Another Follow-up:
The apparent ringleader was released after footage was released of him working in the family grocery store two days before the supposed test run. Turns out the guy simply works in a grocery store...
No mention whether the group had obtained materials required to make the bombs, or had made reservations for the supposed flights.
Time Magazine reported initial claims of a pending attack within days was inaccurate. No airline tickets had been purchased. Several of those arrested didn't even have passports. Sources said the Bush Administration pressured the British to make the arrests when they did, following the Lieberman primary loss, strictly for political purposes.
Another Follow-up:
The apparent ringleader was released after footage was released of him working in the family grocery store two days before the supposed test run. Turns out the guy simply works in a grocery store...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The price of gas...
Monday, July 10, 2006
Ken Lay dead? Let's see the body...
W.'s good friend Ken Lay dies of an apparent heart attack just prior to going off to jail. Lay, who seemed confident he would be acquitted of all charges, seemed healthy and vibrant during the trial, a man who could clearly afford to visit the doctor on a routine basis to monitor health risks.
Let's see a body! Unfortunately not; Lay was supposedly cremated the next day in what was said to be a small, "family-only" ceremony. The public ceremony was held a week later.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Bin Laden, what's up with the audio tapes?
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