Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bill Moyer on how Media sold Bush's War in Iraq

A recent Bill Moyers piece focused on how the media was used by the Bush administration to help sell their case for war with Iraq. While most news outlets were hesitant to challenge the administration's claims, others willingly served as a conduit for propaganda and misinformation.

The Bush administration exploited the tragedy of 9/11 to carry out their Neocon agenda for the Middle East. Failing to act upon intelligence reports, they basically allowed 9/11 to happen. Using 9/11 as a catalyst, they frightened Americans into supporting the war, repeatedly claiming a connection between Saddam and those responsible for the attacks of 9/11. Terror Alerts were increased without basis, at strategic times, to bolster support. The Patriotism Police patrolled for any and all dissenters.

Through this whole Bush-Cheney fiasco, I've learned a lot about this great country of ours.  Foremost, I've learned there are a lot more stupid people than I'd previously thought.  I once thought perhaps 25% of Americans are seriously stupid.  My estimate was way low...

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