Friday, September 01, 2006

Carlson calls criticism of Rumsfeld disingenuous

Nutwing Tucker Carlson (Bowtie-Boy) today called criticism of Donald Rumsfeld's comments comparing war critics to Nazi appeasement disingenuous, citing many critics voted for the war originally.

Had the administration's pre-war claims been true, perhaps this reasoning could be justified. Critics, supporters and informed Americans now realize pre-war information was purposely presented in a false and/or misleading manner. Aside from believing the administration, why did politicians on both sides of the aisle vote for the war? They likely saw what happened to the Dixie Chicks, Susan Sarandon, Linda Ronstadt and others who dared stand up and voice their opinions. From day one, the administration's been geared to discredit and question the patriotism of any persons questioning their information, actions or motives (see Joe Wilson, Richard Clark or Jack Murtha). Was there a lack of courage on the part of politicians? No doubt. While no excuse, in reality, given the mood of the times and the administration's policy of fear-mongering, failure to support the war effort was career suicide. Tucker's using this to discredit all criticism of the war demonstrates the integrity missing from intelligent discussion of the matter.

I'm not a democrat or a liberal. I'm an American citizen concerned with the state of our country and our world. There exists a lack of honor and decency in politics and political news reporting (Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews are exceptions). Jon Stewart had it right. Pundits like Tucker Carlson hurt America, serving as tools for the politicians, helping them implement the policies of misinformation and manipulation.

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