Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bush now says we didn't start the war...

George Bush now claims "we didn't start the war", rather, it was started on 9/11 by Islamic fascists. What happened to Weapons of Mass Destruction (justification #1), overthrowing a ruthless dictator who killed tens of thousands of his own people (2), and liberating the Iraqis(3)?

A kid does something bad and his parents find out. He makes an excuse, and his parents shoot it down. He throws out another, gets the same result, and then repeats the process 3 or 4 more times. At what point do the parents grab the kid by the ear and march him to his room?

As voters, it's time for us to start acting like responsible parents. Initiate a thorough investigation on 9/11, the lead-up to the war in Iraq, no-bid contracts awarded to Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush-Cheney administration, baseless increases to terror alert levels, bogus news releases, and a variety of illegal activities such as unapproved wiretaps. If crimes were committed, those responsible must be prosecuted to the extent of the law.

If the Downing Street Memo exists, outlining plans to invade Iraq prior to 9/11, it would confirm Bush used 9/11 as a catalyst for a pre-established neocon agenda, capitalizing on American's fears following 9/11 to initiate a war on false pretenses. If so, all involved in the "Iraq Group" should be prosecuted for treason.

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