Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Letter to Joe Scarborough re: Jon Stewart criticism

Scarbough County, 9-12-06: Joe Scarborough questioned whether Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show", was bad for America given his criticism of the Bush administration and Republican politicians. Joe discredited Stewart, labeling him a comedian catering to viewers aged 16-24, whom he noted rarely vote, thus attempting to marginalize Stewart's impact on American political culture.


With all that’s going on, you spend half a show asking whether Jon Stewart is bad for America?

Regardless of whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent there’s only one story worthy of focus. The President of the United States used 9/11 as a catalyst to justify a pre-established Neocon agenda, launching a preemptive war on false pretenses. Thousands of American soldiers have died, countless others seriously injured, along with 100,000+ Iraqi civilian casualties.

Given Republican control of the House, Senate and Supreme Court, we’ve yet to see an unobstructed, independent investigation into the Bush years (what was known prior to 9/11, the lead-up to the war in Iraq, no-bid contracts to Halliburton and other companies friendly to the Bush administration, warrantless wiretaps, bogus news releases and terror level increases). When Republicans lose control of the House, things will quickly change. True investigations will take place; Bush, Cheney and members of the Iraqi group will be held to task. Folks like yourself will be remembered for your staunch support of the Bush neocon movement, discrediting Americans having the courage to raise legitimate concerns about the administration’s criminal activities.

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