Saturday, August 26, 2006

2006 A$$hole awards

1. Dick Cheney (asshole of the century)
2. Condelezza Rice (Phd. in dishonesty)
3. Bill O'Reilly (pervert and blowhard)
4. Rush Limbaugh (drug addict and hypocrite)
5. Don Rumsfeld (missing a few marbles)
6. Anyone on Fox News (evil and/or warped)
6. Ann Coulter (crazy bitch with self-esteem issues)
8. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (most dishonorable)
9. Carl Rove (evil personified)
10. Tucker Carlson (punk, pseudo intellectual)
11. Clarence Thomas (pervert, Uncle Tom, poster boy for affirmative action under qualification)

You'll note the omission of George W. Bush. I don't consider him necessarily a bad person, just a dim-wit.

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