Thursday, September 14, 2006

Remember 9/11

I received this image in a pro-republican email, suggesting we support the troops, pray, and stop questioning the Bush administration.

Although numbers have dropped, most Americans believe Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Most U.S. soldiers believe the same. Intelligence sources now confirm Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

Over 50,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. For what? Retaliation for 9/11?

If we really want to honor those lost in 9/11, we should take a different approach in Iraq (to start with, let's stop killing Iraqi women and children) and refocus efforts on the hunt for those reponsible for 9/11. Problem is, the neocons are as interested in tracking down those responsible for 9/11 as OJ Simpson is in finding Nicole's killer.

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